Retired Nurse Opens A Hospice For Dying Senior Dogs Who Are Dumped Without Love !

46-year-old Nicole Coyle may be a retired nurse who features a especial love for senior, abandoned dogs. Over the years, she was heartbroken to witness many families dumping their senior or terminally ill dogs without an oz of affection or care. So, she decided to show her house into a hospice for these unlucky dogs.

Source: The Grey Muzzle Canine Hospice Project/Facebook

Called “Grey Muzzle Canine Hospice Project,” this hospice takes in dogs who have only 6 months or less to measure. In fact, Nicole has spent an outsized a part of her savings in adopting dogs who are just days far away from being put down. Nicole’s crusade doesn’t just stop after adopting the sickly dogs. She also makes bound to give the dogs an expensive life in their final days. She not only treats them to steak and ice-cream, but also takes them to playful trips on the beach. Because of Nicole’s untiring efforts, the dogs don’t feel unloved and unwanted in their final days.

Source: The Grey Muzzle Canine Hospice Project/Facebook

Many of Nicole’s dogs have beaten their diagnosis and lived longer under her love and care. Nicole is terrified by the fact that a lot of senior or sickly dogs still die alone after being kicked out by their families. She hopes that such owners start being more thoughtful toward their dogs rather than ghosting them. If you would like to contribute toward Nicole’s noble cause, you'll donate on The Grey Muzzle’s website here. Click the video below to see what percentage lonely, dying dogs are benefited by Nicole’s project!


Source: The Grey Muzzle Canine Hospice Project/Facebook

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