The True Story Of Hachiko, A Loyal Dog That Waited Over 9 Years At The Train Station For His Deceased Owner !!

Man and his dog – it’s a friendship as old as time. And one among the foremost well-remembered stories is that the story of the Akita named Hachiko, and his owner, Hidesaburo Ueno. In fact, the dog lived over 100 years ago in Tokyo, Japan, yet his presence remains considerably integrated into the town. Perhaps the reason that the story has stood the test of your time, is that it’s an example of unconditional love and loyalty. Hachiko the dog was born on a farm in 1923 and was later adopted by a professor of agriculture at the University of Tokyo – Hidesaburo Ueno. The two fell into a daily routine where Ueno and Hachi would walk together to the Shibuya railway station, where Ueno would pet Hachiko bye-bye before aged the train to figure .

Source: Shibuya Folk and Literary Shirane Memorial Museum
Hachi would then spend the day expecting Ueno to returnback. Within the mean time, local shopkeepers and station workers would keep an eye fixed on him and sometimes give him treats while he held his vigil for Ueno. This routine continued for several years until at some point, tragedy ensued. Ueno never came home from work as he suffered a brain hemorrhage and died. Of course, Hachi had no concept this, so the loyal dog continued to attend for his owner’s return. AA day like a clockwork, when the train appears,seem, soThe same is true for Hachi-look at Ueno. <><> Hachi never gave up home and continued to attend for over 9 years, when Hachiko was found on the morning of March 8, 1935 – deceased thanks to natural causes. His body was taken to the train station’s baggage room – an area that had been one among his favorite hangouts. He was then photographed, surrounded by Ueno’s wife, Yaeko, also as staff members at the station. Yoshizo Osawa, one among the staff members, gifted the photo to at least one of his daughters. She recalled that her dad loved dogs and would often tell her about Hachi and the way he’d come daily to the station where staff would happily share their lunches with him.


Hachiko’s body was preserved then kept at the National Museum of Japan in Tokyo. A bronze statue of Hachiko was erected outside the Shibuya Station as a tribute to the dog, however, the statue got destroyed in war II. A replacement, one replaced it in the same spot at the top of the war in 1948, and it remains there to this day. The spot has become a well-liked and beloved neighborhood park. The memorial continued therein the station entrance closest to the statue was renamed, “Hachikō-guchi,” or “The Hachiko Entrance/Exit” in Japanese. As well, one among the train lines was also called the Hachiko Line. And rare photos of Hachi are still being discovered to this day. In honor of the 80th year of Hachiko’s passing, and thus the 90th anniversary of Ueno’s death, a bronze statue of Hachiko reuniting with Ueno, was also unveiled on March 8, 2015. The statue was placed outside the University of Tokyo’s Department of Agriculture, where Ueno was a professor. The story of the loyal Hachiko continues to be remembered and beloved by people everywhere.
