Bald Eagle Saved From Freezing To Death By Golden Retriever

Dogs are referred to as a man’s ally, yet some dogs have a caring attitude that extends to fellow animals. Even to animals that they typically chase and eat.

While out walking with her owner, Kenai, a 3-year-old retriever, spotted a wounded American Eagle and commenced barking insistently, reports GrindTV. The injured eagle was perched on a branch near the water. The eagle jumped up in fear. The next day, Kenai and her master returned to complete the rescue mission.mission. OnceOnce they came back, they followed the trail of eagles left in the snow. Kenai tracked down the eagle, and with help from the Department of Natural Resources, the bird was taken certain some much-needed health care, notes BarkPost. The poor eagle’s feathers were frozen and he was affected by a shoulder injury. Upon further examination, he showed signs of plumbism. The eagle is predicted to form a full recovery after receiving treatment. BecauseinBecause of Kenai, the eagle went to form it. If he didn't get help when he did, he probably would have died. Watch the rescue in the video below.

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