Loyal Dog Found Next To Owner’s Side After He Passed Away

Death is usually a difficult thing to process. it's never easy. And if you’re a dog, the death of a beloved, like an owner, is often, especially confusing and hard to return to terms with. When a dog loses their owner, it is often downright traumatic and depressing for them – especially if they’re the sole person who they’ve ever known.

After battling a long-term terminal illness, a man in Oklahoma gave up the ghost.ghost. And consistent with rescuers, it had been his senior black lab, Sam, who was the primary one to seek out the body. The elderly dog stayed with the body for days before anyone else realized that the person had given up the ghost, and neighbors then called the authorities. When the police arrived on the scene, that they had difficulties getting Sam, who was loyal to the top, to go away her deceased owner’s side. Unable to urge the distressed dog to cooperate, the police called the local animal rescue, 1 Day Ranch, for help. They sent someone over to undertake their best to comfort the frantic and frightened dog. As the founder and director of the nearby animal rescue and rehabilitation sanctuary, Maeghan Olsen, said to PEOPLE, “Obviously the person did something right, tons of affection goes an extended way.” When she first was brought in, Olsen noticed immediately that Sam was “very upset.” Olsen revealed that the elderly dog was visibly distressed – panting and shaking uncontrollably. Olsen did not try to persuade her to go outside, but decided to accept and let Sam deal with her grief. She sat next to the laboratory, calmly reprimanding the frightened dog and giving her a treat. As she explained to PEOPLE, Olsen said, “I let her say goodbye.” She waited and eventually, Sam calmed down enough to let Olsen lead her out of the house. The loyalty that dogs have for his or her loved ones is something incredible to witness. Dog owners are truly lucky people to urge to experience that sort of selfless love and devotion.

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