Man sees homeless dog carrying bowl of food and decides to follow her

No matter if you are a human mother, or an animal mother, your love is the strongest one world has ever seen. A guy spotted a dog mother doing something incredible in the middle of a boiling sun, for her children.

The guy decided to record the dog mother walking in the streets with a bowl of food in her mouth, he had no idea what the dog was doing so decided to follow her, The long journey is surprising, but her reasons for doing so may deeply touch your heart. A man in Turkey that helps homeless dog named Yusuf Kılıçsarı, saw a stray dog while she was walking down the streets and he knew the dog had a mission, writes The Dodo. While Yusuf kept following the dog that was walking fast and being careful to not spill the food from the bowl, she kept getting into that long journey in the middle of a burning sun, after some minutes of walking the dog disappears into a junkyard and so the man continued to follow her. Then he encountered the most touching scenery ever, and his mother walked all the way to bring food for her hungry puppy. While the small ones were arguing over food, poor mother collapses from hungry and thirsty, but like all the moms the planet has known, she is so selfless and everyone she cares about is to feed her little ones.

Once again, a mother’s love is that the strongest sort of love.