Puppy Wags Her Tail At Every Passerby Trying To Get Someone To Notice Her

A tiny puppy was living during a market in the coldest city in Sri Lanka, trying his best to survive, and each time she noticed people passing near her she tried her best to draw in their attention by wagging his tail. When Lek Chailert and some of his people from the Elephant Nature Park noticed the dog's cute movements.

Elephant News Elephants rescued from all over the world and free from terrible conditions call Thailand's Elephant Nature Park home. The organization noticed that the dog was in Sri Lanka and urged another elephant to be rescued. They described in YouTube: ‘’In the market through fare, where thousands of people pass, we saw a touch puppy wagging her tail at passersby, inviting people to require a note of her.”

“One by one people rushed unaware of the pup’s plight. Our team stopped to take a picture of her for a while, but we were also busy traveling.travel. She began to follow us, and quite far, until we lifted her up and returned her to where we first met her. She followed us again and again, until her determination won our hearts.” Although far away from home, Lek and her friends decided to help the puppy, but it was a bit difficult. “We decided to ask people that walked past to adopt her, to require responsibility for her care. Once they saw that she was female, they lost interest.”

Their options are running out, and finally they decide to ask someone to almost take the puppy away. “Finally we asked our driver, Thushara, to seem after her for us. He agreed.” ‘’We bought a replacement blanket for her and bathed her, turning our luggage into her bed while she stayed with us in the hotel’’. ‘’I think that this was the most of night that she will sleep warm and peaceful.’’

Elephant News This happened three years ago, this dog was named LEK LEK, and now he's such a lot healthier and grown up and lives a cheerful life in Thushara’s home, the puppy even in any case this point never forgot her rescuer Lek. The puppies' rescuers say: “We can always change one life from our care.”

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