Wild dog followed marine over 70 miles in the wilderness, proving he’d be the perfect pet

After becoming friends with a dog in Iraq, a U.S. soldier decides to offer him a range in the states. Soldiers around the world develop an especial comradery with their fellow soldiers, especially once they face the risks of warzones like Iraq and Afghanistan. An equivalent is often said of the animals that they are available across, including local dogs that sometimes befriend soldiers as they are going about their duties.

That is what happened to U.S. Marine Corp. pilot Major Brian Dennis when he met Nubs, a dog raised by the Iraqi troops to alert them if danger was around. Dennis meets Nubs for the first time As a neighborhood of his training, the Iraqi soldiers had cut Nubs’ ears off. This was done to toughen the dog up and to form him simpler when handling attack dogs. When Dennis found Nubs, he had been seriously injured by an Iraqi.

“One of the Iraqis told me that one among the soldiers had gotten mad and stabbed him with an enormous screwdriver,” Dennis said during a Today interview. “He looked terrible. We didn’t think he was getting to make it. He was all infected. It had been bad.” Nubs become popular at the fort where Dennis is stationed Thinking quickly, Dennis brought Nubs back to the U.S. base with him to urge treatment. Soon, Nubs had endeared himself to the opposite troops at the fort. Dennis fell crazy with Nubs the first time he met him, recounting their first encounter in an interviews. “As soon as I met him, he just quite jumped up and that I started twiddling with him. TheWhen we first met, he just turned over. I started rubbing his belly. Really, my whole team, we just quite bonded with him as soon as we met him.” Dennis has got to transfer to a replacement location

As Dennis continued his tour in Iraq, he and Nubs developed a special bond. Dennis found himself stopping in at the fort to see on his new pal from time to time. Eventually, though, as is that the case in the lives of the soldiers, Dennis had to transfer to a special location. Nubs is decided to stay by his friend’s side Traveling 70 miles to his new assignment on the border, Dennis noticed Nubs following behind his Humvee. Soon, Nubbs was gone, and Dennis thought he had returned to the fortress. A couple of days later, a fellow marine called Dennis’ attention to something outside. As he looked, he saw Nubs. Dennis and his fellow soldiers decided to stay Nubs there, even building a doghouse for him. The matter thereupon was that dogs aren’t allowed in sensitive areas, and shortly the MPs showed up telling them that they couldn’t keep Nubs. After giving it some thought, Dennis decided to send Nubs to the U.S. where he would accept the soldier at his home. Through some careful planning, Dennis was ready to get Nubs to safety in San Diego, California, where Dennis had some friends who could watch the dog until he finished his tour.

The story of Nubs inspired numerous folks that a book was written about his journey and a movie was developed. Dennis and Nubs have also been on many talk shows spreading the story of how everything came together to unite the Marine and then the dog. Watch the video below for more on this inspiring story of the companionship that developed between a U.S. soldier and a dog in Iraq.
