36 Dogs Found Tied In Bags In the Back Of Trucks. Their Destination Is Sickening.

The rescue team was horrified when they looked into the back of the trucks, and saw 36 dogs crammed in gunny bags.

Humane Society International (HSI) India branch received a call about two trucks in Mizoram that were illegally trafficking dogs for the dog meat trade. The team immediately responded and located the trucks, just in time. The rescue team was horrified once they looked into the rear of the trucks, and saw 36 dogs crammed in gunny bags. The dogs were stuffed in bags apart from their heads. This broke the hearts of rescuers. Their sad eyes begged the rescuers to save lots of them from certain death. The rescue team removed the dogs from the luggage and brought them to safety. Each dog was held and loved on to allow them to know they were safe. The dogs were brought back to the shelter to be examined. Many of the dogs suffered from injuries to limbs and infections. ToNot to mention the stress and trauma they experienced. Everyone is surrounded by gentle hands.

“Dog meat consumption in India is against the law, and therefore the way the trade is administered is cruel. We are fortunate to possess saved the lives of those dogs and hope that they're going to only recover from now on,” states N. G Jayasimha, director HSI/India. The police were notified about the illegal act and drivers reported. The driver works for the Aizawl Dog Meat Sellers Association in Mizoram. They petitioned the court to urge the dogs back. Thankfully, the court awarded temporary custody of the dogs to HSI.

“We are delighted that the court has rejected the dog meat sellers’ application for custody,” said Jayasimha. The case remains ongoing, but HSI will fight for every dog. Then, they're going to work to seek out loving and forever homes for every .
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