Dog Eaten Alive By Parasites, Stares At Newlyweds & Asks Them To Take His Pain Away

He didn't want to live anymore as he knew he was unloved and unwanted. But a honeymooning couple went to great lengths to show him the meaning of real love and kindness!

Canadian couple Aliki and Walter decided to urge married in Aliki’s native village in Greece, and also spend their honeymoon in the scenic place. When the newlyweds received one among the tourist spot, they saw an active pack of dogs hustling around the area. But one sickly dog walked up to their car and stared at them sadly.

The couple saw that the dog’s entire body was ravished by parasites' erosion his flesh. That they had never seen a more miserable dog in their lives, in order that they decided to change their honeymoon plans and dedicate their time toward rescuing the dog. They named the dog Nelson, and took him to “Greek Animal Rescue” for more help.


Nelson didn’t have much hope for a far better life, and was weeks far away from death. But in the next few days, the couple enthusiastically bathed him and took care of him. Nelson began recuperating, but soon it had been time for the couple to go away. SeeingSeeing that there was no other choice, Aliki reached out and bent down to look for Nelson.


When the couple arrived home, they were just about convinced that Nelson belonged with them. They waited for months as their darling rescue boy gradually regained his health and eventually got able to fly. Toward the top of this video, we see a handsome and healthy Nelson reuniting with Aliki in Canada looking just like the happiest dog in the world!


Pawsitive/Youtube Aliki and Walter are exemplary rescue heroes, and we hope that they will live a good life with Nelson! Click the video below to see Nelson’s extraordinary journey from the streets to his forever home! WARNING: The content of this video could also be disturbing to some viewers.

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