Shelter dogs spent the night safely snuggled up instead of alone in their kennels.
Fourth of July may be a time of celebration for humans. Unfortunately, it’s a nightmare for many dogs though. The loud, unfamiliar sounds in the sky send most dogs hiding under the bed in fear. For shelter dogs, it’s even scarier without a family to comfort them.
That’s why the inmates at Brevard County Jail in Florida stepped up to assist this year. They spent the night of Independence Day taking care of the nervous shelter pups. It proved that tiny acts of kindness can go an extended way.
Inmates Comfort Shelter, Dogs This idea originally began as a suggestion made by the Brevard County citizens. Last year, the concept developed into a political campaign to help homeless dogs feel safe. safe. This is often the second year during a row that the inmates have taken care of shelter dogs during the fireworks. “Our goal is to not only help calm the dogs but also help build and install a way of purpose and compassion within the inmates which will hopefully aid them as they transition back to society once they need serviced their time,” the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office posted on Facebook
During this point, the inmates fed, played with, and skim to the dogs at the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office Animal Care Center. In fact, this technique is so effective that other organizations have created similar programs. In the past, the Bradshaw Animal Shelter in California also allowed volunteers to comfort dogs during fireworks displays.too. ManyMany of us worry about these dogs when we go out during the holidays. They read books to them, played with them, and even performed music for them.
Why are dogs afraid of fireworks? These two shelters aren’t the sole places that have noticed fear during the Fourth of July. In fact, during the celebration of the explosion, dogs everywhere on the earth would cringe. What looks like a fun holiday for us is their biggest fear come to life. Dogs have more sensitive ears than humans, so fireworks likely sound even more frightening than we will imagine. Dogs can hear between 45,000 and 65,000 hertz while humans can only hear 20,000 hertz. So, the long, consistent firework sounds might be physically painful for them.
Fireworks also are measured between 150 and 175 decibels, which is louder than a gunshot. Noise alone is enough to make dogs move, but the dazzling flashes can also frighten them. Sadly, dogs only can’t enjoy the sweetness and excitement of fireworks like humans can. That’s why it’s so important that inmates and volunteers are now comforting shelter dogs during this stressful holiday. After all, these homeless pups need all the love they will get. Please SHARE to pass on this story to a friend or family member.