Old Dog Who Endured Life On Streets Closes His Eyes The Second He Feels Safe

It had been years since Stimpy was able to get a good night's sleep.  

A group of youngsters spotted a touch homeless dog who had been seeking refuge under a car, and contacted Hope For Paws for help.

The dog was older and seemed like he had been fending for himself for quite a while. While he was a touch timid, he was cooperative with rescuers and allowed them to select him up. They brought him to their car and decided to call him Stimpy. Stimpy definitely seemed relieved to finally be rescued. While in the car, he lay down on the soft blanket and closed his eyes. It had been probably the most of time he was ready to close his eyes without worry during a while. Hope For Paws - Official Rescue Channel,

Once they came to the rescue, they gave him a much-needed bath and trimmed his overgrown nails. Then, it had been time for him to relax. Stimpy was so tired from life on the streets, that each one he wanted to try to was a nap.

Stimpy recovered quickly and continued to measure in a loving family. he's now checking out a forever home. If you’re curious about adopting little Simply, please contact L.A. Animal Rescue at www.LAAnimalRescue.org. Watch Stimpy’s rescue in the video below:

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