The man opened the basket's lid. The dog looked up at him with the sweetest eyes. The basket started to shake when her tail wouldn't stop wagging.
All dogs need to be treated amorously and respect. Sadly, that isn’t the case. But thankfully, there are animal rescuers out there that are happy to step in and absorb any animal who needs their care. When one dog had met a terrible fate as a puppy, these volunteers were amazed by her unwavering strength. This story isn’t about abuse. It’s about perseverance!
Where this dog named Saboor lives, there are many homeless pets that wander the streets. Without proper supervision, kids can get out of hand. When a few of teenagers met this sweet dog, rather than helping Saboor, they decided to torture her. BUT she got her best revenge by surviving the attack.
The cruel kids stop Saboor’s ears and hind legs But she managed to survive! After extensive surgeries and around the clock care, she pulled through. Now, she is with a replacement rescue group who is decided to seek out her a forever home!
Even though Saboor is missing both her hind legs, she wags her tail like hell. She absolutely LOVES life! she will play with toys and get around in her own unique way. This tiny dog has no idea she’s different and that’s the point! She’s especial and deserving of everything! Saboor’s new human friend, the person who runs a shelter for animals with special needs, decided to adopt her. He knew he could provide her with enough care and attention.spotlight. HeHe even got in touch with a regional engineer who makes puppy wheelchairs. you've got to find out how this beautiful girl responds to her new wheels.
Although we know that what happened to the dog now is unfair and disgusting, the only revenge she will focus on is her best WhichStrictly what she is doing. Let’s celebrate all of Saboor’s triumphs as well as her by watching her live her new life in the video below!