Blind Rescue Dog Gets Eye Surgery And Sees Owner For The First Time

Watch as Olive sees her mom's face for the first time in her life.

It’s wholesome to find out people doing everything that they will to offer animals with special needs the love and care they deserve. Today’s story may be a clear-cut example of people giving animals with special needs an opportunity to measure a far better life. Witnessing these sorts of scenarios will make us think that this world isn't so bad in any case. PrepareGet your tissues ready, because this story may tear you apart.shred.

A couple, Holly and Bart Emerson, decided to adopt a pet while they were living their sweet life in Canada. That was when they heard that some rescued black English cocker spaniels were found wandering near Olive Street in l. One. .a.. The couple had a lover who knew about the dog, and that they had that person fly the dog to Vancouver So Holly and Bart can adopt her. The dog was eventually named Olive. Olive has an eye fixation problem, which leads to blindness.

Olive had severe cataracts in both of her eyes and she or he could barely see anything, not even her loving owners. Despite that, it didn't stop Olive from being a playful and affectionate pooch towards the couple. Holly and Bart were brooding about how could they creating Olive’s life a touch better so, they listened to the recommendation from the vet who said they might have the cataracts removed through surgery. The couple wanted to form Olive happy, then they heeded the recommendation and drove her to the vet. The owners were both anxious and excited after they received news about the surgery.

Holly and Bart received excellent news from the vet saying that the surgery went successfully. After hearing the news, they immediately rushed to the vet to find out their dog once more. The instant they reached the vet, the nurses brought the pooch and then the couple just couldn't hold their tears back as they saw their Olive happily approaching them. It had been truly a satisfying and tear-jerking moment for both Olive and her owners. Oliver saw the planet before her eyes.

The owner took Oliver with all his heart to see the whole new world she had never seen in her life. As everything was new her, she was quite cautious about the concept of finally seeing things. When someone or a car passed in front of her, Oliver would suddenly stop. Sometimes, she would even hide behind Holly’s back when she sees something unfamiliar. ItA lot of things are needed at some point, but Olive eventually becomes very comfortable in this world. Unfortunately, she went back to being blind a couple of weeks then .

Olive’s sight was short-lived as her eyes developed glaucoma a couple of weeks after the surgery. Because it was incredibly painful for Olive, the owners had no choice but to possess the dog undergo another surgery to get rid of her eyes. After the surgery, Bart said that Olive didn't care one bit one bit. Their cute dog is still an amazing and naughty dog. A rollercoaster turn of events that also ended up happy.

The couple moved from Canada to Spain, and Olive was there with them. Although ultimately unable to restore eyesight, Olive will still live carefreely with a caring owner. Olive will eternally be grateful to Holly and Bart for giving her the type of life she truly deserves.
