Owners Dump Dog In Lumber Yard And Toss All Of Her Belongings In Trash Bin

Shania wondered where her stuff was and why her family left her behind in a strange place.


Hope For Paws received a call from employees about an abandoned dog wandering around a lumber yard.

Rescuers Loreta Frankonyte and JoAnn Wiltz quickly received the property and began searching for her. Loreta then noticed that the dog’s belongings were during a nearby ashcan, a telltale sign that the dog was dumped.

When they finally spotted the dog, they held out their hands and offered her some cheeseburger. The temperature was quite 100 degrees outside, so they moved into the shade and knew that they had to act quickly. Loreta and JoAnn sat next to her and were very patient in gaining her trust. They knew this can be a crucial step in getting ahold of the pup.

Thankfully, the dog was very sweet and allowed them to pet her and pick her up. Once that they had her in their arms, they placed a leash around her and decided to call her Shania. They brought Shania to CARES, where she received a much-needed bath. Because the dirt and dirt was washed away, her beautiful white coat was revealed.

It’s unknown how long Shania had been outside for, but she was filthy and seemed as if she had been neglected for quite a while .
Unfortunately, she didn’t have microchip but L.A. Animal Rescue offered to foster her. She is now checking out a forever home.

If you’re curious about adopting Shania, please visit www.LAAnimalRescue.org. Watch her rescue and transformation in the video below:

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