Rescued Dog Barks Nonstop At Storm Drain, Ended Up Saving An Abandoned Baby’s Life

 On a routine morning walk one morning, Georgie was transfixed on a storm drain and began barking at it. Charmaine heard faint meowing sounds coming from the drain and got on her knees to check if there was a cat stuck inside.

Charmaine Keevy, a 63-year-old resident of Port Elizabeth, South Africa, rescued a Dachshund named Georgie a short time ago. So George decided that this was a great act of paying for his address. What happened next is nothing in the need of a miracle.

On a routine morning walk one morning, Georgie was transfixed on a storm drain and commenced barking at it. Charmaine heard faint meowing sounds coming from the drain and got on her knees to see if there was a cat stuck inside.

To her utter shock, she realized the sound was actually that of a baby crying. As the drain pipe was covered by a concrete slab, Charmaine stopped a car for more help. This kind of help comes from a man named Cornie Viljoen. Connie and Charmaine used a steel bar to pry open the concrete slab. The sewer was 6 feet deep, but Connie jumped in without even thinking about it.reconsideration. In the process, he got stung by a military of red ants.

“When I got into the opening it had been above my head and it had been so narrow that I had to travel down on my knees and that I couldn’t bend over so had to feel down for the baby below,” he told Daily Mail. “The red ants were stinging my legs on the other hand I felt this baby’s leg then saw the baby and that I realized that this was a criminal offense scene so I took a flash picture and handed my phone up to Charmaine. I didn’t know if the baby was injured So I tried to choose her very carefully and very slowly and she or he was so small. I just wanted to carry her for a short time but I knew that she needed urgent medical help.” Fortunately, the red ants hadn’t gotten to the baby yet. The baby is naked and the catheter is still connected. Connie and Charmaine immediately called the police. The police and ambulance arrived soon after to require the baby to the hospital.

According to the police, the sole way for the baby to possess gotten there's if someone had placed her there then covered the drain with the concrete slab. “There may be a possibility that the one that did this might have come from outside the world and placed the kid there. We are appealing for witnesses and therefore the mother of this baby to return forward.” police spokeswoman, Colonel Priscilla Naidu said. Meanwhile, back at the hospital, the baby was treated for hypothermia and respiratory problems. They estimated she had been in the freezing drain water for a minimum of a couple of hours. Charmaine believed it had been fate that brought her to the baby, as she usually takes Georgie on a especial walking route. The baby was named Grace April. Charmaine put up this update to let everyone know Grace April was doing okay.

We are so glad Grace April survived this ordeal and are thankful to Charmaine and Georgie for his or her alertness and quick thinking.

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