They want a younger dog

All dogs have a heart The dimension of the earth, so when the insensitive master destroys their feelings, our souls will be broken. Is it so hard to offer them back what they are doing for us? It’s one among those stories that make us shudder, but at the top of the road, we all know that each one isn't lost for these innocent animals.

Cookie may be a 15-year-old English cocker spaniel dog who received the San Bernardino city shelter in California. But she didn’t arrive alone, she was with another one-year-old Labrador retriever, and at first they were caught thinking they were strayed dogs. The dog had asked nothing from the planet but to receive love and affection. It seems Cookie had a family, except for some strange reason, the 2 puppies had been left to their own devices by their miserable owners.

After identifying their family with their microchip, they came to say them. They really didn’t know what excuse to offer, until finally with a heart of stone they decided to require the farmer exclusively. As the family left with their Labrador retriever, poor Cookie was left in tears, moaning and unable in touch the pain of being abandoned by those that were alleged to owe her love. “It was a heartbreaking scene, I used to be screaming in sadness, I didn’t understand what was happening ,” said shelter staff. The sad story of this dog’s death spread quickly over the networks, and since it had been highly likely that euthanasia would await her where she was, fortunately, caring souls appeared to find a family for her, while they watched over her health.

And without a doubt, it had been the simplest thing that would happen to her. They gave her the simplest second chance of her life, and therein home, she became happy and clean. However, he features a long struggle before him. After a visit to the vet and emergency surgery, it had been discovered that she had quite 12 cancerous tumors. But fortunately, they were ready to remove most of them. Thanks to the good work of the veterinarians and thus the love that surrounds her, she will now be seen relaxed and almost healed. Later, she will undergo a second surgery to get rid of the missing tumors.

“We made a collective decision to not give her up for adoption,” they wrote from OC Small Paws during a Facebook message. “She will remain within the shelter’s look after the remainder of her life with an area family. She is going to even be within the care of our veterinarian.”

In a few month, Cookie has gone from being an abandoned dog, desperate and sad, to being surrounded by a team that loves her. Share this heartbreaking story with a cheerful ending to boost awareness about the responsibility of getting a pet.

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