Dog Left All Alone At Shelter, Spend 1076 Days Waiting For Someone To Take Him Home

 Kayla Dorney that works at the shelter is like Bentley’s mother, she feels so mad about the dog’s miserable fate, it’s so hard for her to see such a sweet canine that loves to snuggle being overlooked

The saddest thing for people that work on animal shelters is seeing one animal never being offered a home.

A sweet 7-year-old Bulldog-pit mix named Bentley may be a rescue dog staying at the Pennsylvania SPCA, he was brought in by the shelter’s Humane enforcement Team 3 years ago, but unfortunately nobody was ever interested to adopt him. Kayla Dorney that works at the shelter is like Bentley’s mother, she feels so mad about the dog’s miserable fate, it’s so hard for her to find out such a sweet canine that likes to snuggle being overlooked. Bentley is basically gentle towards his caretakers, he likes to comfort them after hard days.

The dog has stayed at the shelter for 1076 days, and being rejected and lonely has begun to affect him. Keira hopes and prays that this cute dog will soon find a permanent home, possibly without cats, away from crowded areas. If anyone wants to offer this sweet and delicate boy a home, please contact the RSPCA. C’mon everyone it’s Holidays are a miracle for some dogs.

Image result of dog spending 1076 days in the corner of a lonely shelter, The staff begged people to adopt him. Update: The shelter was only updated recently and Bentley was finally adopted!
