Mutilated puppy gave up on life and hid in a tire waiting for his death

 We are so grateful for rescue groups who give animals a second chance at happiness!

An innocent puppy that should’ve been shown nothing but love and kindness was kicked out of his home by his evil family. They starved him until he was skin and bones.

Then, they tried to chop both of his ears off. Once they were done having their “wicked fun,” with the poor puppy, they kicked him out. The little puppy found a secure spot inside a tire behind an automotive shop. The owner of the shop tried to coax the dog out but nothing worked. He put food and water out, hoping he would go away the tire and eat and drink, but he refused. He was too afraid.

The owner called DAR Animal Rescue and asked them to help the puppy. They said, “Of course!” and raced over. One rescuer walked over to the pup. She spoke to him calmly and told him she was getting to help him. It had been obvious that he had given abreast of humans, and on himself, and needed someone to trust.

The woman picked him up and carried him to her vehicle. The dog, later named Cooper, also had a nasty case of mange. The instant he’s brought inside the rescuer’s car, he smells food. that's when she realized that this poor dog was beyond starving. He just didn’t feel safe enough to go away that tire!

As Cooper nibbled away, his tail began to wag. This is often what he needed most: to feel safe and have an honest meal! Once Cooper ate, it had been time to go over to the vet clinic. The vet put Cooper on a course of treatment and kept him at the clinic for a couple of days. He determined that Cooper was only 10 months old! Just a baby! Cooper just wanted to try to eat and drink.drink. Which was a really good sign!

Due to nutrition and medication, Cooper continued to urge himself to become stronger.drugs. NowNow, it had been time to go to DAR’s shelter. He was still scared,scared, but his new human friends kept reassuring him. They knew that love was the simplest medicine. Cooper’s favorite thing to try to at the shelter, as if at the vet clinic, was to eat. His new friend happily fed him a little extra. He did get to put some weight on after all!

Cooper made tremendous progress. His fur is beginning to grow beautiful and shiny! Even his face is full. Then, DAR received the simplest news possible! An amiable family in England reached out, eager to take Cooper home. He was getting a replacement family and everything was falling into place.

Cooper’s transformation is nothing in need of a miracle. The puppy who hid during a tire, mutilated and diseased, now features a family who adores him. We couldn’t be happier. To see Cooper’s rescue and transformation, please inspect DAR’s video. We are so grateful for rescue groups who give animals a second chance at happiness!
