In 2007, PETA was striving hard to enhance the lives of “backyard dogs” who were chained 24/7 and didn’t have laws to guard their welfare. A lady named Jessica Cochran (or Jesus) was a volunteer for PETA’s “Community Animal Project” focused toward such abused, chained dogs. It had been during this point that Jesus met Edith, a pooch who was kept chained to a barrel during a filthy patch of dirt.
Since she was not lucky enough to save her at the time, Jace began to visit Edith regularly and established a special connection with her.her. She would often drop in and gift the dog toys, treats and other goodies. She even built her a doghouse to shelter her from the whims of the weather.
Over subsequent 9 years, Jes became Edith’s only real social connection and source of affection. However, things went awry when the owners moved the dog all of a sudden. Jes had no clue about the whereabouts of Edith, and so the anxious woman had no option but to wish for the well-being of her furry bestie.
But the opposite PETA workers never gave abreast of Jes and Edith’s friendship. They have been checking Edith for two years and finally managed to find this senior dog! Jes and Edith were over the moon as they reunited with one another again, and it had been a bit like auld lang syne for the inseparable pair!
This time, PETA was ready to convince Edith’s owners to surrender her. Jes adopted her directly and eventually introduced her to all or any good things that an honest girl like her deserves. After being bound chained for a decade, Edith is certainly enjoying her glorious second chance in life as well as her favorite human! Click the video below to see Jes and Edith’s transcending friendship over the years and their ultimate reunion and happy ending.