Family Heartbroken When They Couldn’t Cover Treatment’s Cost For Their New Puppy.

His family is devastated, and most likely will be euthanized, cause they cannot cover the treatment cost

One of the foremost adorable things in life is adopting dogs, as you'll change an innocent soul’s life only in one decision. This story speaks a few shelter puppy called Brody who was completely happy after being adopted by a replacement family.

The family then took Brody to the shelter as he was sick, but they couldn’t afford his treatment bills. Brody has suffered from problems in breathing and he wasn't ready to eat properly for several days. This poor dog has a grade 5 heart murmur, which is suitable for families with two young children to take care of.after. The family also added that they are doing not want their dog to be euthanized so they took him to the shelter to find out if they will afford his expensive treatment.

Thankfully, Brody was taken by Second Chance Rescue NYC Dogs, who was ready to cover the bill of the dog’s treatment and that they also are raising funds for him through social media. Brody, who remains with his new family, is now receiving his treatment in the hospital and he is going to be completely healed soon. Watch the video below. Share this with your family and friends.

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