Depressed ‘Backyard Dog’ Sat In The Mud So Lonely On The End Of That Chain

 It would flood out there when it rained, but Lady's owner wouldn't give her up to a better life.

Mrs. Shepherd has nothing and has never received any love or attention related to the top of the 24/7 sequence.

It was muddy and would flood when it rained, and she or he was so lonely and desperate and only grew more depressed as every day passed. But PETA fieldworkers made it some extent to go to the dog over the years constantly trying to influence her owner to offer her up to a far better life.

But they always refused. Lady was becoming more and more timid and sometimes wouldn’t even began of her doghouse to find out her visitors. PETA will continue to challenge the difficulties, and in the end their persistence will be greatly rewarded; her master finally agreed to the convenient lady, which marks the second gorgeous opportunity in life! Now renamed Wolfie von Fluffer Bottom, or “Wolfie” for brief, theThis great girl lives today in a home full of love forever. 🙂
