Dog Found Chained In Snowstorm Near To Death Rescued Just In Time

 Benjamin found chained with another dead dog beside him. But you should see him now!

Three animal lovers from rural Kentucky in Virginia found 9 dogs on a chain, one of them named Benjamin. The animal lovers did an excellent job to free the dogs with the dog’s owner for quite one month as winter was approaching. Thankfully, 6 of the 9 dogs were finally saved by 30th of December.

However, Benjamin was one among the remaining 3 dogs who weren't saved yet. He was affected by frostbite after sitting chained in the snow. Benjamin and Biscuit, his companion, needed an immediate help as a replacement snowstorm was on its way. Thankfully, many of us sent donations to assist saving them after their story was shared on social media which helped them to be finally free. Happily, Benjamin was taken away by the Dogs Deserve Better animals, which allowed him to receive their care at the Newts Rehabilitation TheThe good news was that he was adopted after only a month. What a cheerful ending! Watch the video below. Share this with your family and friends.

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