People’s cruelty has no boundaries. This time, some crazy people did the unthinkable. They put two helpless puppies in a box near the clearing.
Luckily, a passerby spotted the box and was curious enough to approach closer and see what’s inside. To his surprise, the 2 vulnerable puppies were almost frozen to death. Although they were both unconscious, the type man knew there was still a chance for them to be revived. As they were running out of your time, he rushed them to the closest animal center.
The puppies’, condition was very bad. However, the staff at KC Pet Project were willing to try to beat their power to save lots of the small ones. “Today, we are thankful for variety of reasons. We’re thankful for the person who found the box up this picture in an abandoned lot that contained two puppies and brought them to the shelter for care,” KC Pet Project wrote on their Facebook page. “They were unconscious once they arrived and were immediately taken to our veterinary clinic.” “Freezing and severely dehydrated, we’re thankful for our veterinary team who worked for hours giving these puppies fluids and dealing to warm their little bodies up to urge to normal levels,” they continue. “We’re thankful to the canine care team member who took them home for overnight observation and continued with their care.”
Thanks to the team’s dedication, the puppies pulled through. “We’re so happy to report that they survived and this morning they need eaten and are resting. We’re also thankful to all or any of the donations to our Roadrunner Medical Fund that permits us to supply care to puppies like this at KC Pet Project.”
“They will now be monitored for a couple of days to make sure they're stable then will move to a family for recovery until they're ready for adoption.” Now that they feel great, they love having nice meals and snacks, especially gruel. “It’s safe to mention that they enjoyed it,” says KC Pet Project. “So much, they were wearing it.”
Although many of us who stumbled upon this story showed their interest in adopting the puppies, they're still very young and can only be put for adoption once they turn 8 weeks old.