This heartbreaking story of a poor dog went viral in the last November. Zuzu, a 2-year-old dog was left at a shelter after becoming frustrated thanks to the death of her owner, and her family couldn't handle her crying and moping. So, the family left the German shepherd mix at the l. a. Department of Animal Care and Control Downey.
You can imagine her surprise when her former owners came to the shelter?! She directly thought that they came to urge her back again, so she started showing some excited movements, and then the staff of the shelter also thought that it had been a happy reunion, but it had been not! The family has a special puppy to adopt there.
The sorrowful video went for many people by Facebook, with many critiquing for the careless decision of the old owners of Zuzu! From the beginning of his story, Judith Gallo and Russ just lost one of their two cute dogs. They saw the great grandfather and fell down with her!
The adorable couple also had another nice dog, Dodger, was lonely after the death of his housemate, and Zuzu became at the proper moment to substitute it. Fortunately, Zuzu now lives in a loving home with a beautiful and lovely new owner, which she actually deserves.
Dodge and she or he also became best friends. Finally, she got what she deserves, which may be a nice resolution for this sorrowful tale.
Make sure to watch the video all the way to the top.