Ethan spends first full day in foster home exploring snow, playing with fellow dogs

 From being left in a parking lot in Kentucky to enjoying our recent round of snow, Ethan the dog continues to make progress and is having fun along the way. 

The Kentucky Humane Society said in its most up-to-date update that Ethan spent his first full day Tuesday with a foster caretaker. This means that Ethan will have the opportunity to play in the snow while also interacting with other dogs in the house.

"He’s so pleased with himself that he can hop on the large bed all by himself. So very sweet. He also likes to walk on the edge of the opposite dog but he doesn’t wish to encroach on their area so sometimes he just lays next to them while they’re on the bed," said caretaker Jeff.

The Kentucky Humane Society has been providing frequent updates on Ethan since taking him in nearly fortnight ago. Once they first found the dog in their parking zone, Ethan was severely malnourished, lethargic and there have been concerns he wouldn't survive.

But with the help of staff and therefore, the veterinary hospital, Ethan has been ready to overcome many of his health challenges. Now, the goal is to continue his weight gain until he's healthy enough to travel into the adoption process.

KHS also now has shirts, hoodies, cups, hats, bags and masks donning Ethan's mug. ItThis is a cartoon performance that first appeared on a Valentine's Day gift designed by Emma, the daughter of a KHS volunteer. This content is imported from Facebook. you'll be ready to find an equivalent content in another format, otherwise you could also be ready to find more information, at their internet site.

Proceeds from Ethan merchandise support KHS' lifesaving work and helps them look after the thousands of animals who come through their doors annually. You can inspect more updates on Ethan on the KHS Facebook page.
