Things were bad, but his rescuer was determined to make life better than ever for this poor pup!
Get your tissues ready. You won’t be ready to read this story and without a tear coming to your eye. This is often the story of a girl in Argentina who rescued a starving dog left to die on the streets.
If you're heartbroken at the thought of a dog going hungry, haven't any fear, this story features a happy ending. The hero of our story meets Hercules. This picture was taken before his journey of rehabilitation began.
It was nearly Christmas in 2017. On December 23, an Argentine woman named Pia found the puppy in the Strait of Despair.straits. While visiting friends in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Pia saw the starving dog running around their neighborhood. The dog was clearly terrified and in distress. Pia’s friends were unable to catch the frail pup, but Pia refused to offer abreast of the animal in need. When she eventually found him lying next to a house, she said “he had no shine in his eyes” and “he had given up.” Thankfully, Pia was able to fight for him. She immediately brought him to a vet and that’s where the battle began. The Road to Recovery
The veterinarian told Pia they needed to ascertain if Hercules could make it through the weekend. He was in such bad shape that they weren’t sure he would survive. Pia put down everything to help her newly discovered dog. The first few days were critical, and after that, the thin boy lost another two pounds. Because Hercules was so ill, he was unable to dine in those youth. PiaPia used a bowl to feed him water every three hours to keep him hydrated. Then you might say that a Christmas or holiday miracle happened. Three days later, on December 26th, the pup was discharged and Pia brought him to care . “You could see in his eyes that he wanted to measure ,” Pia remembered. Despite that, on a couple of occasions, she worried that he may die because his condition was so poor. But he continued to fight, which is why she named him Hercules.
Pia filmed much of their journey. She recalled lifting his body to help him learn to drive again.steer. SheShe remembered crying and fighting with him. “We did it together,” she said. And in January, after much patience, Hercules began to steer again. Pia admitted that when her dear friend took the first few steps, she cried like a baby. They were what led to what remains of his recovery. Before Pia knew it, those first baby steps led to jogging, running, jumping and playing. Eventually, she was ready to take him on walks through the town.
By February, it had been as if Pia had a replacement dog. Hercules’ hair was quickly growing back. He showed signs of life and energy. He loved to be in her arms and held close. The bond between the 2 was so unbreakable that after fostering him back to healthiness, Pia knew she couldn’t give him up. Hercules found his forever home with Pia.
“As he began to vary, his eyes began to shine,” Pia said. See the incredible recovery for yourself. Hercules is not any longer a starving dog left on his own. he's thriving. Pia calls this phenomenal dog her miracle, and a Christmas present she’ll always remember. Watch Hercules’ Heroic Story Don’t forget your tissues once you see Pia and Hercules’ story. They’re still the simplest of buds today. you'll follow their friendship on Instagram.