Neighbors unite to save paraplegic dog that was thrown into a river

He had marks from his sad past

Animals are so docile and loving that it's incredible to believe that there are people with such rotten hearts. These people can take the worst actions against them.


A group of neighbors witnessed their discovery of Dug, a paraplegic dog with the worst past. This sad story happened on a river in the interior of Sao Paulo, Brazil. One morning, a neighbor noticed a puppy floating in the water, its life was in danger, and he knew he had to assist it.


Immediately, the great man borrowed a ship from another neighbor so he could reach where the puppy was, grabbed it firmly, and pulled it out of the water. He was breathless at the sight of his terrible condition. He was exhausted, couldn't walk, and was also affected by malnutrition. He has traces of his sad past.

The veterinarians received the small animal with some superficial and painful body injuries, but he remained conscious. Devastated, the puppy lay there, with strength only to lift its head. The animal drank water with a syringe and ate.

The dog was admitted to the clinic and in the veterinary evaluation, he was found to be during a lot of pain but showed no signs of choking or fluid in his lungs. Old injuries were found. And there are indications that he has been paraplegic for a few time. Gisele Carvalho, director of the NGO Grupo de Proteção Animal de Registro, believes that Dug was intentionally thrown into the river to urge obviate him They fear that they need thrown him into the river to finish his life.

“In the world of the river where he was, there was no way he could get in or fall in because there are walls and barriers. The dog has been paraplegic for a few time. Says the lady. The old scars on his body are proof that he has been physically abused for an extended time. However, Dug’s loving behavior has not changed, despite the human malice to which he has been subjected. Dog still has faith in humanity.

Gisele wants to seek out the human who caused this puppy such a lot damage so that he pays for his actions.

The activist is cognizant that finding a home for Dug won't be easy, given his condition. But that doesn’t stop her from filling him amorously and hoping for a miracle.

Dug has suffered such a lot unfairly and deserves a home that really loves him.
