But vets saw the glimmer of hope in his eyes and refused to give up on him.
Instead of checking out what treatment would be best for Charlie, his previous owner brought him to the vet to be euthanized.
Thankfully, the vet knew that Charlie had a fighting chance, and refused to euthanize him. The vet contacted AMA Animal Rescue for help, and together, they were ready to convince the owner to surrender Charlie into AMA’s care.
AMA got right to figure in deciding an idea to save lots of Charlies, since he had a plethora of health issues.
He was severely matted, had infected eyes, loss of tear production, cryptorchidism, and a severe skin infection with ulceration and erosion of his periocular tissue.
Needless to mention, Charlie was during a lot of pain and needed some relief as soon as possible, vets began treating him for his different ailments.
One of the AMA’s previous adopters, who also happened to figure at the vet’s office who was caring for Charlie, agreed to foster him. But during his recovery, she began to fall crazy with him and knew she couldn’t part ways with him.
She decided to permanently adopt him and provides him a loving forever home! Charlie now features a doggy sibling, Brownie, whom he quickly became best friends with during his recovery.