Woman Wept Over Lifeless Pup, Tried To Lift Her Stiff Body And Her Paw Twitched

 Her body was stiff and when the woman leaned down to touch her, she was ice cold. The woman cried for the poor dog that had to die alone. Then her little paw twitched.

A woman was on her thanks to work on a really cold day when she spotted a dog lying on the bottom . Her body appeared stiff and when the lady leaned right down to touch her, she was ice cold.

Assuming the lady was too late, she cried for the poor dog that had to die alone. But because the woman wept, the dog suddenly moved!

The woman was so happy that she wasn’t too late but she didn’t have much hope. Still, she took her to the closest vet clinic to ascertain if they might save her life. She named the dog Varya.

The vet was in awe when he met Varya. Her core temp was extremely low and her organs had begun to pack up . She was also during a coma.

They began to run more tests and discovered that Varya had a brain injury also as a fractured pelvis. She needed to be transferred to a much bigger hospital that had state of the art equipment.

Varya would likely need surgery but she needed to be stabilized first. Varya was so brave the whole time. With IV fluids, antibiotics, blood transfusions, and pain medication, Varya finally awakened .

Varya was stabilized and scheduled for surgery. Her rescuer gave her an enormous kiss and wished her luck. Varya did great.

She had to remain in isolation for a couple of days just in case of infection but she still got many love and a spotlight from the hospital staff.

In a few weeks, Varya was cleared to travel home with the lady who found her. She was so happy to be during a nice warm home!

Her new mom gave her all kinds of food to undertake and Varya took nibbles of everything. She was finally being spoiled as she deserved!

Wait until you see how far Varya has come since lying therein cold puddle. By the top of the video, she’s smiling and playing. Her tail wags are epic!

Varya’s unfair life is forever behind her because of a sort woman and amazing medical workers. Every life is precious and anything is feasible with faith and love.

See for yourself below!
