Homeless Man Pleads With Shelter To Get His Dog A Forever Home Before He Dies

Homelessness is a difficult and destructive way of life. Every day, tens of millions of people around the world are homeless, and in many cases, they have a dog by their side. Calling interest to the plight of homeless human beings and their pets, a man from Brownsville, Texas, is making headlines due to his story’s nature. Throughout his journey, the homeless man has walked Brownsville’s streets with a canine named Chulo via his side.

The man has always lived in a good neighbor’s shelter, but the employees there are able to provide him with impeccable permanent housing. Sadly, pets have been no longer allowed at the safe haven the place the man used to be going, so he pleaded for any person to help. Chulo stayed by using his owner’s facet each step of the way, and now the man feared the canine would wind up by myself on the streets or stop up dying.

“What we’ve viewed at the Good Neighbor is the relationship that [the homeless and pets] have is surprisingly one-of-a-kind due to the fact they’re sort of all that they have,” started Community Engagement Manager Daniela Sosa. “Before he located shelter, he would sleep on the streets, and he would inform us that he and Chulo would preserve every different heat at night.”

Once thAfter the man moved into his new home, the people at the Good Neighbors Place began to work hard on Facebook to find a home for Chulo. Within a few days, they succeeded, and Chu Luo confirmed his eternal family affairs. We like a completely happy ending and hope this man realizes that his precious puppy will be well taken care of by a caring family.
