Mike Ritland, a preceding U.S. Navy SEAL, these days took to Facebook to pay tribute to a fellow SEAL member’s K9 associate that went throughout the rainbow bridge.
” Mike had to say goodbye to Carlos today, after 15 high-quality years of blessing this Earth with his visibility,” Ritland said.
Mike and Carlos have been companions for many years, and after retirement, Mike had the potential to undertake him forever. In addition, when Carlos applied to serve as a trainer, Ritland reached a partnership with him.
” He is curtained in the flag that Mike delivered with him on each operation with him, and still possessed Afghan filth as he unfolded it on him,” Ritland proceeded.
Mike provided Carlos with steak, his favorite food, as the last meal before the dogs left this lifestyle.
” Our hearts are now an awful lot heavier wanting to say goodbye,” Ritland wrapped up the heartfelt post. “Fair winds and complying with sea C-man, we have the watch from right here friend.