Bait Dog Saved From A Fighting Ring Carries His Security Blanket Everywhere Now

What a difference love and care can make. Bub comes to the rescue Pit Bull's life began as a bait dog in a dogfighting ring. He was frightened and traumatized when he was saved. He was also dangerously underweight and infected. Because of these factors, he was put at the top of the kill list at his shelter. Fortunately, he was "rescued" moments before being euthanized, but they only kept him in their garage and abandoned him.

What a difference, though, love and caring will make! Bub has since been adopted by his adoring mother, Katharine. She provided him with a safe and comfortable house. For the first time in Bub's life, Katharine showed him love and concern. She provided him with the tools he needed to conquer his fears and feel at ease in his new surroundings. He soon became attached to his new mother, discovering that she genuinely cared for him in a way that no one else had. Unfortunately, he became too close to her and experienced separation anxiety whenever he was separated from her.

Katharine decided to crate train Bub to help him get used to being alone. She stuffed his crate with beds and pillows to make it as comfortable as possible. Bub was uncertain of the new arrangement at first, but like many dogs, he grew to enjoy his crate and see it as a safe haven. Bub fell in love with something other than his box: the quilt! Blankets seemed to be a source of warmth and enjoyment for the puppy. Consequently, whenever Katharine came home and let Bub out of his crate, he still pulled his blanket with him. When he saw how happy the charming gesture made his mother, he made it a habit. When they see it, it's hard not to smile!

Katharine expected the blanket carrying to go away finally, but it hasn't. Babu can now grab whatever he can find to welcome his mother after get off work. Pillows, toys, and even shoes are included! And, as it turns out, his antics are contagious to other dogs. Two Adorable Pitbulls

Bub's family eventually adopted a second Pit Bull called Simon. Simon was already on the verge of being euthanized until Katharine adopted him. Despite Simon's presence, Bub continued to use his blanket as a protective shield from his tragic past. Soon after, Simon heard and joined in. Both sweet rescue pups now welcome their mother at the door with sheets, pillows, they can get their hands on. It's a heartwarming sight to see these things that smell like home and likely make them feel relaxed.

Pit Bull breeds are often discriminated against and regarded as "scary." Bub and Simon, on the other hand, are working hard to disprove the reports. After all, this couple is so cute that it will melt your heart. And their transformations are impressive as well. Katharine claims she doesn't even remember pictures of Bub from his time at the shelter. And he is the happiest he has ever been thanks to her kind core.most lovable canine around.
