This newborn puppy was dying, but then this cat did something unbelievable!
I like to hear that homeless animals help each other. The Cleveland Animal Protective League rescued an abandoned Pit Bull puppy named Noland when he was just one day old (APL). Without a mother, these newborn puppies have a small chance of survival. However, the team acted quickly and paired Nolan with Lurlene, a cat who had recently given birth to a litter of kittens.
Lurlene accepts Noland as a baby slightly older than her other babies and allows him to breastfeed with her kittens. Nolan did this thanks to the staff of Lurlene and APL.
Lurlene and Noland were both adopted when they were ready. Not only that, but people were so moved by Lurlene and Nolan's story that the rescue was awarded $25,000 by the Petco Foundation. Their friendship had a long-lasting impact on many people's lives, including their own.
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