Stolen service dog demands hug from dad the moment they’re finally reunited

Money can't buy happiness but dogs can give it to you for free.

Nothing is more important to a loyal dog owner than the well-being of their canine partner. No object, no matter how luxurious, could ever compare to the value of their beloved dog in their eyes.


It is sometimes preferable to lose a dog due to natural causes rather than to lose them unexpectedly. Don't you agree with me on this? Let's face it: a dog's life (depending on breed) can only last a specific amount of time. This prepares us for whatever fate may have in store for our dog's life. A missing dog, on the other hand, is a different story. Knowing that their dog is just out there, possibly malnourished or being tormented by other dogs, might drive the owner insane. They could be in a lot of difficulty, and the worst part is that you have no idea what is going on with them.


That's exactly what happened to a dog owner when his beloved service dog died. Aaron Morris recently relocated from Michigan to North Carolina. Jolene, his service dog, is with him. With hopes that they'd be able to get a good start on their new abode, fate delivered them something unexpected. They decided to go to a Dollar General store on a Friday. Aaron walked inside the store to get a few things, and Jolene was outside the entire time. He had no idea that someone had been following them all along. That day quickly became a nightmare.

Aaron returned to his automobile after a brief period of purchasing, but it had already vanished! Almost everything in his possession was taken with him, including Jolene. It was the first time his dog had been separated from him in six years. It not only shocked him, but it shattered his heart. All he wanted back was Jolene, he said in an impassioned Facebook post. “This was my guardian angel. My best friend. I told her everything. We did everything I needed to get her back in my arms... This is destroying my heart. Why.. why my poor inocent little girl..😭😭😭😭😭” Aaron didn't care about getting his personal possessions back; he only wanted to be reunited with his dog.


Unfortunately, he heard nothing about his dog's whereabouts for several days. It made him feel helpless and hopeless about his dog's disappearance. It was heartbreaking since he had no idea what the future held for him. A concerned person with a good heart donated a brown Lab/pit bull mix to the Morristown Hamblen Humane Society in Tennessee. The dog's description was nearly identical to Jolene's. When the dog was discovered, it was wandering the streets. The shelter's personnel, on the other hand, detected something from the dog. She wore a pink collar and tag, which could lead them to her owner.


The name "Jolene" was written on the tag. It also included a phone number to call in such situations; they attempted to telephone the number, but it was not in service. This makes sense, because Aaron also misplaced the phone during the theft. In order to continue with the "hunt," the shelter shared a photo of the dog on Facebook. They were hoping that it would lead to more leads in reuniting the sad pooch with her rightful owners. Finally, the day Aaron and Jolene had been expecting arrived. It was all possible because of the power of social media and the internet. Aaron wasted no time in driving all the way to the shelter.


When Jolene recognized her father's face and voice, it was all hugs and kisses from the two. She jumped into his arms to express how much she missed her father. It shows the importance of dogs to some people. They place a premium on them above anything else. Money cannot provide people with real and long-term enjoyment, but their dogs can!

