A Senior Poodle Named Petal Is Clinging To Life After Horrific Abuse

A group of specialized animal rescuers are working around the clock, worrying about the unimaginable abuse of a senior poodle. After being spotted by an honest Samaritan in desperation, Petar is now fighting for his life in a local animal hospital. When the kind Samaritan was driving on the road, she passed a transparent bag that looked like a plush toy. After pulling over to research further, she was horrified by what she discovered.

Next to a bag is a malnourished poodle, laying on the concrete floor in the recent summer. Her mouth was taped shut with adhesive tape, alongside each of her legs being tied together. Though she wasn't found inside the bag, the rescue believes she had already wiggled herself out by the time she was discovered. Once the great Samaritan realized the gravity of things, she immediately jumped into action to save lots of the dog’s life. She saw a local businessman posing for scissors to cut off the dog, so she called the local animal administration and told them what happened.things. SoonSoon after Poodle and Pooch Rescue stepped in to provide them with expert help.

“This wasn’t even just throwing the dog away, this was torture.” – Rebecca Lynch, President of Poodle and Dog Rescue Rebecca Lynch, President of Poodle and Dog Rescue, stepped in and arranged for the puppies to be transferred to the East Orlando Animal Hospital.Hospital. Consistent with Dr. Peters, the abused pup was severely dehydrated, malnourished, anemic, and battling an infection in both eyes. After being lovingly named Petal, the team needs to work on saving this sweet girl’s life.

“She was so weak she was unable to face on her own. She feeds four times a day and she’s been ravenous, but must be fed slowly in several feedings so she doesn’t get sick. Every hour she has been improving but remains not out of the woods yet.” – Rebecca Lynch, the President of Poodle and Dog Rescue

Petal has been receiving care at the animal hospital for about 2 weeks now and is claimed to be improving by the day. A recent video shows her walking through their yard with the help of veterinary technology, providing back-end support for every step she takes. She has yet to muster the strength to use her rear legs on her own, but she is certainly giving it all she’s got.

The team at the animal hospital is unsure if her back legs are weak thanks to neurological issues or muscle atrophy, but they hope it'll become clearer as time passes. Petal has a dedicated team of animal advocates and the support of animal lovers across the country. Petal isn't yet strong enough to be adopted, but the team at Poodle and Pooch Rescue urges any interested adopters to stay up with her journey. Rescue has promised to provide available updates, so we recommend following and supporting their efforts.

“A human tortured her and that we want to point out her that not all humans are bad. This is often why we do what we do to save lots of dogs in need within the Central Florida area.” – Rebecca Lynch, the President of Poodle and Dog Rescue.
