Badly Injured Dog Gets Rescued Just In Time

They approached the dog and found that she was badly injured and her eyes were rotten. She almost lost consciousness, so Ermioni had to hug her tightly with her arms and lift her up from the bottom.bottom. SheThen she put the dog in the back seat of the car and drove to the veterinary clinic immediately.

After the examination, the veterinarian said that she had an old fracture of her jaw. There is still a rope tied to her chest, and there are several open wounds on her body. The vets knew that they couldn’t save her eye because it was badly injured. That they had no choice but to get rid of it to save lots of her life. She was so weak that she was unable to eat and drink by herself.

Due to her health problems, she needs to stay in the hospital to urge all medical treatment and care. She then underwent the surgery to get rid of her eye, and it had been successful. BecauseafterUnder the care of the staff, she began to show signs of recovery. She was ready to stand on her feet and move around. She could eat and drink without the staff’s help.

A few months later, she fully recovered and became a healthy dog. She was able to be adopted, so Ermioni helped her find a replacement home. Thankfully, an excellent family fell crazy along with her and adopted her. She is now happy to possess a replacement name Honey and have an exquisite life as well as her loving owners. We hope that her new life are going to be filled with love and joy forever.

Watch the complete rescue here:

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