This Man Saw A Dog Being Sold For Meat And Just Couldn’t Walk By
This story tells about Danielle Xingyi who lives in Singapore, she or he decides to go to her father who lives in China. However, as you know, Asians eat dog meat.
Once, they found that a group of people were selling puppies. Every year, many dogs were sold for slaughter. Xingyi and her father saw the dogs that were being sold for his or her meat alive inside bags, and Xingyi’s father could save only one and he freed the dog also as named him Doggo.
Doggo has been living at his office because his apartment doesn't allow dogs however it's only temporary and so the dog will move, once a finer living condition is discovered. What’s important is that Doggo is alive. Approximately 10,000 cats and dogs are eaten during the Lychee Dog Meat Festival in late June each year. consistent with the Huffington Post.
Most of the dogs who are stolen from their homes and are either beaten to death or stripped alive. there's a step in the right direction that issue because recent outrage and criticism has banned the sale of dog meat this year.
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