Her family dragged her down the street and tied her to a small tree then walked away. The dog stood up and begged with her little paws to be saved as people walked by.
Later, a sweet dog named Vivian was cruelly abandoned by her family. They dragged her out of the house in the storm and tied her to a potted plant on the side of the road.
Vivian didn’t understand what was happening. She continued to smile and bark as everyone went by, thinking her family would come for her but they never did. A local rescuer heard about Vivian and drove over to look for her. The storm was brutal! The wind gusts were learning leaves and garbage off the road and blowing them around. Vivian was small and afraid but she tried her best to be brave. She whimpered on the other hand because the rescuers approached, her whole demeanor changed!
Vivian stood up, used her little paws, and begged to be rescued. Volunteers have never seen a dog shit before! Vivian was so happy to find out them that she couldn’t stop smiling. She sat there calmly because the rescuers had prepared a clean crate with a beautiful new blanket inside. Vivian was never getting to be alone again! The sweet Canis Minor was taken to their shelter where she met some new friends. The vet gave her a clean bill of health. In fact, the vet was floored by Vivian’s abandonment.
She was well-cared for, groomed, and trained. He made some calls to find out why Vivian’s family didn’t want her anymore. One of their neighbors explained that they did not want to be with her. it had been cruel and cold and nobody could know it .
Thankfully, Vivian already has potential adopters who are curious about this cute girl. These are good people who understand that adopting a dog can be an eternal commitment. We are so happy that Vivian will be alive a stable, comfortable, loving life with a family she will calculate. To find out her rescue, and her big smiles, scroll on down.