He was just 7-weeks-old, born without front limbs, and tossed out like garbage to die in the frigid weather. But you should see him now!
Life didn't get off to a promising launch for Cupid. In January of this year, this cute ethereal puppy was sealed in a garbage bag in a Toronto garbage can. He was only 7 weeks old, had no frontal lobes when he was born, and was thrown out like scrap iron in the cold rain.
Now, not only has Cupid stolen the hearts of his Facebook suckers, he has been fitted with new prosthetic legs! Cupid was named by his loyal caretaker at The Dog Saviors, Inc., a non-profit organization based in Oakville, Ontario, because of his small heart-shaped nose and cute personality. Under their care, he has grown and thrived. His veterinarian believes that Cupid is a Great Pyrenees Mix and that his disability is a result of an inheritable condition, not abuse.
His custom-designed prosthetic frontal branch was created and awarded by Toronto-based Pawsability. A bitsy brace of training skis have been fixed to Cupid’s new legs to help him make muscles in his reversion legs and core, as well as get used to walking on four branches. They also come in potent handy during the snowy Canadian downtime!
According to The Dog Saviors Facebook runner, Cupid is doing great on his new legs and will be ready for relinquishment soon! Can’t borrow, but want to help with Cupid’s recovery, and the numerous other especial pups saved by this amazing link? Click then to make a donation.
The Dog Saviors, Inc. recently participated in this delightful post about Cupid to their Facebook runners “ Blessed, thankful, thankful are all words used Thanksgiving weekend and throughout the Leaves. We're thankful for all that we've and all our blessings.sadly there are still people to which this means the effects they've, objects they've acquired. For numerous of us our blessings are our family and this includes our faves.
On the second return, a puppy that was born without forearms was put into a bag, tied up, and thrown into the garbage.
His fate was changed when a passerby chose to probe the sounds he heard coming from a scrap caddy in the busy town area. Soon, this sweet boy landed in our care. An immediate trip to the Emerg sanitarium proved he'd be fine .He was placed under the sect of the love of his adoptive parents Linda and Bob, and the journey began. We named his little heart-shaped nose Cupid. Sometimes, we were determined to get him off the ground and move, so we started fitting and mitigating with Janice and her company, PawsAbility, which was grounded in Toronto. His early months had him in little “ skis” and that grew to his “ bus,” a custom made wheelchair that grew as he did.
With the passage of time, his little story turned into big news, with blessings and inquiries pouring out, which is refreshing. This sweet little boy who someone had tried to throw down as the scrap was touching hearts and souls on a global job, donations' club helped with his warhorse bills and wheelchair costs.Such a huge emotional publicity for a small canine that was thrown into the trash , so grateful to see so many people stop and settle in their hearts for this little canine they have never seen before.
Hundreds upon hundreds of operations to borrow him were entered and when the time came, it was clear to all of us that Cupid was formerly home. This little bag of love was once the darling of adoptive parents, and he was also in his perfect home. Cupid now known as"Q” has a great life between his canine siblings, summers swimming in the lake and his doting parents, especially his Mama and stylish friend Linda who don not only wear her‘ heart on her sleeve’but has Q tattooed on her arm! We love when effects all fit together and her beautiful artwork is done by original artist Bert Jackson who also added an addition to his family from our deliverance.
Cupid’s story is a “ happy tail” but is also a Thanksgiving story of the world coming together and being thankful that this one little life survived. This Thanksgiving let’s be thankful for everyone who's part of our family and hope that everyone feels as blessed as we do and stops to find a place in their hearts for all the lives out there-big or small Thank you so much to everyone who helped us change so many lives! We wish you all a happy Thanksgiving and stay safe!