Emaciated Pit Bull Found Wrapped in a Blanket and Left in Alley

 All she could do was curl up in a ball and shiver.

When arugula was thrown in the alley by a kind person, she was too thin. “ She was wrapped in a mask covered in urine adhering to life. She cannot eat or drink, all she can do is coil up in a ball and shiver,” saviors with One Tail at a Time in Chicago said at the time of the Hole Bull’s deliverance.

Someone had plant Arugula near their home and got help to get Arugula to beast control. From there, One Tail at a Time (OTAT) took her to their exigency warhorse. At the time, Heather and the other saviors were not sure if she'd make it. The cute Hall Bull is very weak, and it takes several weeks for her to regain enough muscles to be suitable for walking. But under the care of her foster caregiver and a platoon of stagers, Arugula sluggishly began to get better.


After five months, Arugula was ready to find an ever home. That’s when Heidi saw Arugula’s story online and knew she wanted to borrow her. Arugula joined Heidi’s home with her other canine Hunter. Heidi says Arugula is a “ velcro” canine. “ She just wants to be coming to you,” she told the Dodo. For Heather of OTAT, it was a worthwhile trip to see Arugula so healthy and happy.


“ In 13 times of running OTAT, Arugula was the skinniest canine I've ever encountered,” she wrote on Facebook. “ When she came to us so she was so weak she could not hold herself up. She is taciturn, and we now know that this runs counter to her lively and cheerful personality. It was incredibly delicate to watch her struggle – but moment that paid out.”

“ Delivering creatures isn't easy, but when you have the type of community that showed up for Arugula it makes it further than worth it,” she continued. “ Last week Arugula’s trip took her to a foster to borrow home.” “ We held our breath all week because it was veritably egregious to us that Ru plant her place,” she wrote. “ This once weekend her new adopters agreed and made it * Blue Settee Official *!! Arugula will spend the rest of her life, feel love, enjoy such important fun with her new extended family, and survive in the nearby oasis. It’s the happy ending we only pictured of.”
