Flight attendants break protocol to save dog’s life in the middle of flight

The two fur parents thanked the flight attendants for their quick actions on the JetBlue flight. When their beloved French Bulldog fell into breathing torture, the crew took immediate action to provide her with life-saving care.

Michael and Steven had Darcy placed in her carrier underneath the seat as they took off, presuming Darcy would rest comfortably throughout their trip. About 30 twinkles into their flight, they noticed that Darcy wasn't acting like herself and that their nurtured doggy appeared to be in torture. Darcy began to push her face onto the mesh on her strap, looking as if she was trying to escape. Presuming that Darcy was just restless with having to sit still, Steven asked her to lay down. Darcy is typically a veritably biddable doggy, so the couple knew commodity was wrong when Darcy continued to push her face against the front of the carrier.

Michelle might be too hot for Darcy, so she unfastened the bolts of her strap and made Darcy stick her head out. It was at this time that Michele noticed the blue color of her lingo and lips. Michele had learned preliminarily that Frenchies are prone to breathing difficulties, so she knew she demanded to take this seriously. Michele incontinently pulled Darcy onto her stage to help her calm down and regulate her breathing. Darcy was still in torture indeed with in that on her fur mama’s stage, and the color of her lingo would not ameliorate.

One of the flight attendants also contacted Michelle to remind her of the policy of keeping Tex on the airline. Michele snappily explained Darcy’s situation and how poorly she demanded help, leading to the emotional deliverance charge to follow.


“ We all are affected by cabin pressure and oxygen oscillations, mortal, canine and nimble,etc., but the fact that the Attendants were responsive and attentive to the situation may have saved Darcy’s life. Though some may reduce the value of a pet’s life and applying lifesaving sweats to a canine, the attendants applied their chops in a humane and caring way that I like to suppose represents the stylish in all of us as mortal beings.” – Michele Burt

Flight attendants, Renaud and Diane knew it was time to go against policy and do everything they could to save little Darcy’s life. They first brought several bags of ice to place around Darcy’s body, but this couldn't pull her out of respiratory torture. With no other options on the table, Renaud had a brilliant idea.

Renaud also brought out a movable oxygen tank with a small mask that could wrap around Darcy’s face. When she was holding Darcy on the stage, they handed the mask to Michelle and asked her to hold the mask in place every time Darcy breathed. This was easily the action that saved the hopeless Frenchie, as she was bright and alert again in the twinkles of entering oxygen.


It only took a short time for Darcy to stabilize and brought out of her respiratory occasion. In twinkles, she was so alert that she was pushing the mask off her face, a far cry from the sleepy doggy She was just before many moments. “ Renaud Spencer and Diane Asher were the aides moment. It may have been only a “ canine” to some, not a major disaster clearly, but a family member to us. Virtuousness and kindness along with the capability to assess a medical extremity, albeit a canine in extremity saved the day.” – Michele Burt


Michele states that Darcy has made a full recovery from her intimidating event. Michelle plans to talk to her warhorse about why this happened and how she can pay more attention to Darcy if they need to travel together in the future.
