Ilovemydogsomuch wrote that after peanuts were planted in an alley in southern Ohio, she bleeds from head to toe and suffered a brain injury. She was rushed to an emergency. It’s unknown exactly what happed to her, but they suspect she may have been demurred in the head or thrown from a auto. But what they do know is that she was abused and left for dead.
One of her eyes was oppressively injured, but stagers were not sure if she ’d survive, let alone see again. Rather than let her down, stagers and levies decided to take a risk on Peanuts. After the warhorse, deliverance group Stop the Suffering brought her to Columbus, where she stayed with a foster family.
As the days went on, Peanut made tremendous progress. Looking at her moment, you would now know the terrible effects she’s been through. She looks just like any other canine and is considered a true phenomenon!
Unfortunately, due to the trauma she has endured, she still has lasting wealth. Due to trauma to the right side of her brain, she always turns to the right and paces in circles. She also had vision problems and was still sitting still for a while.
But despite everything she’s gone through at the hands of evil humans, she's still so sweet and loves everyone she meets!