The story of a dog who almost died and a few years later ate at a table in an Italian restaurant

The canine was tied to a tree at a time when it was thirty degrees below zero outside. The beast was tied so tightly that it wasn't possible to reach the snow with its nib so that thirst would stop plaguing it. The canine was in this position for more than 24 hours.

The deliverance came to the canine in the person of the levy group« Chance». The canine was taken by a woman named Elena, she cured the canine, took him to her house for a time, and plant the proprietor. It was later revealed that this barbaric behavior related to the beast was a "discipline" for the damaged cabinets in the house. Elena did not return the canine to the old dictator possessors, she filed a complaint with the police.


The canine’s new surname is Monty. The canine couldn't be called raised, Monty was feral, he couldn't walk on a leash, he was fully strange with the rules of conduct in public places. Also, Monty was confused, his new life was stressful for him – other creatures, people, transportation … The canine could not get used to all that. But Monty is a good dog, not bitter, and gradually succumbed to his phobia. Also, Monty came interested in the world around him, and he was eager to explore everything around him.


Elena told how impressed Monty was when he first saw the nags. He was barking excitedly, trying to tell his proprietor commodity in his canine language, and she was having fun with a cheerful and sparky pet. When Elena went for a walk with Monty, they met a girl named Alain. The girl had been looking for a funny pet for a long time. She saw Monty, who had won her over at first sight, and wanted to take him home with her. This story would be too banal if everything went right for Monty and Alyona right down. Before it was decided that Monty would be taken to Canada by other possessors, but the proprietor didn't show up, so the girl took the canine.


You ’d suppose the story would have ended happily, but it’s not that simple. The canine wasn't exactly habituated to living in a house. When Monti came to the girl after the operation (castration), he unconsciously pushed Alana to the bottom and began to happily take control of his master. The canine was so “ overzealous” that for another month, Alyona had scars on her neck, as if she was being beaten. Monti also started producing "orders" in the apartment. For the first six months, the girl returned to the house, where the destruction and chaos reigned. One day, the girl left for the vacation, and when she returned with the guests, she plant tangled cables, torn walls, a pile of effects. Alyona’s apartment didn't look like a comfortable apartment and rather of celebrating with her musketeers, she had to start drawing.

Alyona contacted the dog handler, and they suggested that the girl buy a pen and let Monty leave it there when she leaves home. At the first pen that Alyona bought, Monty unkinked the chassis, and through the alternative he still managed to bite the cabinetwork, and the pen didn't come an handicap. The proprietor of Monty was a purposeful girl and didn't give up, but continued to work with the canine and train him. Also, the girl went to Italy, of course, taking Monty with her. They dine together in a precious cafe. Monty sat on the president like a real gentleman. Originally, Alyona was embarrassed by this geste and asked her pet to lie under the table, but the eatery proprietor assured her that everything was normal and the canine wasn't bothering anyone. He also asked for authorization to steal the dog because the dog left a deep impression on him.


The canine saved his proprietor from burglars who tried to break into the apartment. He chased them down with his ringing dinghy and defended Alyona. She has been living with a canine for a long time and adores her pet.
