Spanish Police Adopt A Puppy After Rescuing Him From His Abuser

 They found him being kicked on the street alone – now he has a home on the force. 

Spanish police are asking for  help naming a saved pup that they plan to train as a new member of the force. 

  Responding to a call, the authorities in Granada a man remonstrating a German a dog on the road. After stopping the man and rushing the canine to sanitarium, the officers decided to retain the pup. A Twitter bean is presently under way to pick a name for the newest member of the force. The officers first posted about the canine on Monday. 


  The police rushed the doggy to the sanitarium for treatment after stopping the" inhuman" man, the tweet reads. Original media say it was the proprietor who was manhandling the canine. Authorities reportedly arrested him for abuse. 

 The canine had several bruises and injuries in the stomach, according to the original press. Reviews show there was no internal damage, and the canine has made a full recovery. Of the four choices on Twitter bean-Rocky, Lucky, Iron and Stan Lee-the Marvel Comics
