A canine went from healthy to destroyed in under a time because of the vituperative treatment he allegedly entered at the hands of his former proprietor.
But days after being saved by Sunflower Sanctuary Animal Rescue in Tijeras, New Mexico, he has shown a remarkable reversal.
Sunflower Sanctuary Animal Rescue’s author Cynthia Dares revealed on Facebook how Buster came to her hopeless for food and water. She also says his proprietor foisted corrections that redounded in his eye demanding to be removed. He also suffered neglect that lead to him having difficulty walking and peeing.
“ Little Buster (renamed) has been thru hell in the last time,” wrote Sunflower Sanctuary Animal Rescue of the doggy they took into their charge on June 24, 2021. “ He came into the home of a woman in good health and a handsome little boy. He was saved and came into our home as a demurred, abused, neglected, starved, not given water for 14 hours at a time from the moment he arrived. He only weighs10.4 lbs, little thing.”
They continued, “ His eye will be removed after having Febreze scattered in it because he barked. Hopefully his other eye will last a little longer. His paws were so bad he could hardly walk. The nails were growing over each other and into his skin. Under his belly the mats were soaked with his urine and he could hardly pee pee.”
Since their original post, Buster has had a successful eye surgery, Buster has also been prepped to remove the stickers from his paws and mats each over his body.
Dare said she intends to file charges of abuse and KOB4 News reported that Valencia County Animal Control is probing the allegations of abuse.
According to Sunflower Sanctuary Animal Rescue, the woman allegedly responsible for Buster’s abuse was preliminarily charged with dog abuse back in 2008. They wrote on Facebook
“ … the worst part of all this woman was charged with analogous abuse in 2008 to a pup that she just got. He was bigger than bitsy little Buster, She was slighted on the wrist indeed though there was videotape of the abuse, community service 100 hrs, exploration and could n’t enjoy a canine while on exploration and around$ 600 fine paid to the deliverance that was taking care of him.”
Sorely, it appears no assignment was learned and Buster suffered because of it. Anyhow of any implicit felonious case in the future, the most important thing is that Buster is now safe and being well watched.
“ A couple days of love and belly aggravations and food and water and just a lot of care, he’s completely a different canine,” Dares told KOB4 News.
He'll be with Dares and her other deliverance pets for the rest of his days as her sanctuary is a lodge deliverance. Dares explains that the creatures she rescues “ stay then until they're ready for the Rainbow Bridge.”