He Was Exhausted, Unable to Get Up After Being Starved for Days

 Last wee, a girl sent a video via Xerimbabos page. She said she found this dog near her drandfather's house . the dog is very weel, even couldn't walk ... but the way it behaves with the girl showing that it's not stray dog, maybe another case of neglect or abandoned ...

The next day, we rushed to Curucamba, Brazil for her ... when we arrived ,what we saw even more shocking! The skeletal dog was poisoned and laying on the ground..  she has a loo of the tip of the tail, muscle injury resulting from violence or physical trauma,showing distemer...

it's 100% obvious that the dog wan't like that before in the pic she sent us , so we ask the girl what happened.. she doesn't know but with the evidence , it looks like the dog tried to find food , someone poisoned and also hit her ...

when we brought her  to Santa Maria Vet to be hospitalized ,even the vet also shocked about her situation ... fist exam luckly shows ther is no internal injury but her body was seriously impacted by the poisoned food...

The vet clean her stomach and giver her some nutrition injection, but it also depends on her little weakened body ... she then continued to be treated for tick disease..  The poor dog still couldn't eat by her own, feeding support as she has serious condition of  malnutrition and dehydration..

She took all the treatement that she needs  and day by day she is being in better conditions .
