Heartbreaking moment, sad dog refuses to leave the side of his dead pal in a hit-and-run accident

 A grieving canine has touched the heart of an Argentine occupant after he was mugged lying next to his dead friend who failed in a megahit-and- run. 

 Heartbreaking footage shows the black canine, believed to be a slapdash, sitting coming to his motionless friend who was hit and killed by a truck. 

 According to reports, the megahit-and- run accident passed in the megacity of Bernal in Buenos Aires. 

 According to substantiations, an unidentified motorist got out of a black hydrofoil situated on a busy road, put a plastic bag containing a dead canine on the ground, and sped down. 

 Friendsof the dead dog had followed the auto and remained with the abandoned canine as the motorist growled down. 


 Original residers reportedly said the black canine stayed at the woeful scene overnight and refused to leave his friend alone. 

 Locals named the faithful canine Negrito, which means" little black dress"in Spanish. 

 They said they tried to bait the dog with food and water, but it wouldn't budge. 

Witness Chicho Barbaroja, who shared the videotape on Facebook, reported how he walked over to deliver the dead canine from the plastic bag and tried to help Xiao Hei. 


 Chicho said"When he plant that his companion was no longer hopeless, he circled around, going from corner to corner, indeed looking for her in the rubbish bags of the block. 

"From that day to moment, I have been walking around the area trying to find him. I have been looking everyplace."

 Authorities were called and arrived hours latterly. 

One worker detracted Xiao Hei with food, while another took the dog’s corpse before leaving the scene. 

 Chicho urges anyone with information about Xiao Hei to come forward. 
