His eye was bulging and he was disoriented, heartless owner dumped him in front of local shelter...! I know l'm not a perfect dog but l'm not fake…Nobody loves me or cares about me
This child was abandoned at a local shelter following whatever trauma he had experienced.
When a shelter worker went to unlock the door for the day, she was taken a back by what she found.
You are such a lovely puppy...! Your vision problem should not prevent you from acquiring a forever before residence for you.
She became terrified when she took a closer look. A little dog, about 7 weeks old, lay still in his bed. She saw the da.ma.ge as she approached and he raised his head. His pupils were dilated, and he seemed disoriented. He was very skinny when she picked him up.
What a lovely young lady we have here.
You will be cherished at home, sweetheart, and you will surely love the person who will take you in and enjoy you since you are a handsome canine with a lot to offer.
Remember that God blesses you, sweetheart.
Let Jesus be your guiding light; no people on this planet can harm your soul; they can give agony and misery to your body, but not your spirit. Amen, my prayers are with you and all those who are suffering.
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