Abandoned mother dog begged for help for her exhausted puppies and heartwarming ending

 This was a deserted road and we met a pack of dogs , they were placed in a box and kept under 33 degrees celsius. 

The puppies were almost exhausted in that weather. We didn't understand how someone would leave them there. Gina was the name I gave her, she was a smart dog .  

She enjoyed being bathed and caressed . 

She was enjoying her time with other puppies in the same house the same age as  them . so it's much easier for us to take care of them . 

but the hard times made them very hugry , sometimes they even ate the food of their friends  and one day we had a big probleme. 

They vomited a lot and only one puppy was okey , they were aalmost exhauseted and just lied there. 

The doctors did their best to help the puppies but  Loy and Pinky left and became a little angles. 

We did our best with the others and thanks god our efforts and tears paid off, Alsi got better .

She was out of danger and was able to sit up . 

I was extremely happy then ,thank God for the mercy . After all the loss, she was finally in better conditions and happy .
