This Dog Was Locked Up For A Long Time In His House After Being Abandoned Along With Other Dogs, But He Has Been Rescued

 sweet pit bull Elmo is experiencing what it's like to be liberated and surrounded by love after going through the terrible ordeal of being abandoned. This dog, along with another dog, had been left behind at his house and had been chained up in the patio for a long time.

The puppies were delivered to the KC Pet Project, a nonprofit organization that manages the municipal animal shelter in Kansas, Missouri, since their previous owners could not be found.

Tori Fugate, a participant in The KC Pet Project, said to The Dodo:

"We think a neighbor may have spotted the dogs inhabiting the space and called Animal Control," the statement reads.

While residing at the shelter, Elmo was given the chance to tour the city's parks and historic locations. There, he made a lot of friends and noticed a dramatic change in his personality; before being saved, he had a very melancholy appearance, but now he can't stop smiling.

Admitted Tori

She even went to a local beauty salon.

Elmo was captured on camera shortly after arriving at the shelter, and his looks were ones of fear and despair.

Torii declared:

He "gets this gorgeous smile on his face" when he's running the other direction or when he expects to be outside the shelter.
